Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Have you said "I DO" ?

Was listening to my favourite morning show on the radio while driving to work Friday morning when I had to pull over to send in an SMS to the station. There was a case in the court as the show was airing and people were calling in and sending messages on a topic which was causing quite the stir.
This supreme court of Canada issued a decision Friday which may now affect almost one million Quebecers living in common-law relationships,who were hoping to bring the province up-to-date and in line with the rest of the country when it comes to alimony.
The battle over common-law couples being granted the same rights and obligations as married couples began with a heated and sometimes emotional court case in 2009, when a woman, known only as "Lola," took a Quebec billionaire, "Eric," with whom she had three children, to court for alimony.
The supreme court has decided against Lola, pretty much saying that if you want to be covered under the family protection (act) then get married!
People called in with all sorts of issues.
"It is so expensive getting married."
umm..no it's not! Don't do a reception. Just do an "I DO"! In Canada you can have even a friend take a licence for the day !
"Common Law is like a condom...you take your chances."
I totally agree! You don't want to get married? Then don't ask to be protected!
"Marriage would cost too much to break up as opposed to breaking up a divorce."
So you are going to live in a relationship expecting / thinking of the possiblity of a divorce!?
"Don't have illegitimate kids! Easy!"
You made the choise of having kids, and that too without getting married, then deal with it!

And then I got to work. Thinking I am totally going to sit and write about this. Honestly! What is a "common law" anyways? Living with someone is common law? So if you have a male room mate but have no sexual relationship are you common law? Common law is ridiculous. I am not going to sit here and judge people who live in common law but for sure will judge people who expect to be treated as a married couple while living in common law!
This is where I want to put emphasis on how well balanced and well rounded Islam is. Not only is this whole idea of "illegitimate" children a sin, but also there is a built-in "family protection law".
And, there is a reason besides the obvious of not allowing to have children unless married. So that everyone is protected! Everything you need for protection, for both mothers / wives and children and even the father / husband, is so delicately sewn into the religion. There are no questions, no complications. Above all, if you have to get a divorce, then like marriage, it is not expensive.
Then I got in my car heading back home, don't usually listen to the radio at that time, I turned on the radio again. The decision had been made and there was chaos galore all over the province! The Court had (Thanks God) made an excellent decision. Poor Quebec, people were going insane.
"..But we (h)ave to get the same protection as married people.. it (h)appens everywhere else in Canada so why not (h)ere!?
"it is our right if we want to get married or not but it's the government's responsibility to protect us "
for what??? for choosing not to get married ?
At this point, I called in to the station. The lady didn't even get my point though. I said:

 " I don't understand why this is a problem, get married...get treated like a married couple. Don't get married ...dont expect being treated the same! As for the kids, it's a decision made! "

The lady started telling me that under the law, all children had equal rights.
 Call me prehistoric, call me old fashioned, or simply a citizen who chose to say "I do".. but I'm sorry, you can't get the same rights as me if you haven't signed the deal!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Muslim Rage

I am sure all of you have all read about / heard about the latest “Muslim Rage”. The video, the protests, the death of the innocent, the embassies and pretty much everything related has taken over the entire media industry right now.

The grocery store turnstiles boldly expose all the events by screaming the words “Muslim”, “Islam” and “Jihad”. Posts on Facebook and tweets on Twitter make a mockery of the both the religion and its followers. In public, people openly express their disbelief and make a further ridicule by saying aggressive words towards a religion founded on peace.

I watched the movie the other day. I needed to see what the big hysteria was about especially after reading the words “false outrage” in the Newsweek by Ayaan Hirsi Ali in a caption for a picture showing Egyptians rushing into the US Embassy.

I don’t even have the correct words to express how I felt about the movie. Absolutely revolting. I felt chills and goose bumps after seeing the movie. I felt it was almost a sin to be watching such a thing and felt ashamed as well.

But here is what I want to say, what I found more disgusting than the person who made the video are the so called Muslims themselves. First they say stupid things against the Holy Prophet (pbuh) themselves and then when someone gets up and says the same thing they get upset? Ok so they get upset. But then they start killing their own people over another person’s wrong? Killing innocent people and policemen is something the Holy Prophet (pbuh) suggested doing?

Why do they shamelessly talk about the (na-aaoozo-billah) illegitimate marriage between the Prophet and the Mother of all Believers? Uneducated leaders and even more illiterate followers blatantly admit the early age marriage of Ayesha (ra).

To be very honest, I find it more revolting hearing this audacity from the mouths of Muslims than watching it in the movie made by a non-believer. Saying such stuff about the beloved Prophet (pbuh) being a believer is a bigger sin than the “thawab” from fighting against the same spoken rubbish from a non-believer.

As if that is not enough, these so-called-Muslims then go rampaging around killing their own people, policemen who are there to protect them, innocent people who have probably not even seen the video! Do they honestly not understand what a fool they are making of themselves?!

Had a Muslim made a video like this against Jews, would the Jews then have gotten up and started killing each other? When our religion has the word Jihad in it, why can’t we use Jihad wisely? Yes, the person who made such a mocking and insulting video, should be not only punished but also the rest of the world should be told how unacceptable it is to mock our Prophet (pbuh). Will that ever happen? No. Will we ever come together and deal with anything, just anything with a drop of logic? No. Will Muslims ever realize and it’s our duty and responsibility to stand strong for our religion? No, instead we are either going to rampage around making fools of ourselves or even just sit there watching this all happen.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Explanation of Chapter 33 ( The Allies ) and verse 21 ( in specific )

First of from verses  21 – 27, the section is called “ Allies’ fight: Quraizah punished”

The translation of verse 21 is as follows:

“certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day, and remembers Allah much”

Here is a little explanation:

This verse points to a most significant truth and a distinguishing characteristic of Prophet Mohammed, viz, that he is the best exemplar and the highest model of virtue. Referring specifically to: if he hadn’t led armies he couldn’t have served as a model for a general leading armies into battles. If he had not fought personally, he could not have been an exemplar for a soldier laying down his life in the cause of truth, justice and freedom . if he had not made laws for the guidance of his followers, he could never have been regarded as a legislator. If he had not decided cases, he could not have served as a judge. If had not married he could not have shown how to be a kind and affectionate husband and a loving father.

This section right before this section is called “ the allies’ attack on madinah”

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Lately everyone puts up random "autocorrect" conversations and I have been really enjoying them. Then today I received one from my lovely hubby.
This afternoon we had a little arguement and then to make up for it a few hours later he texted me and what he wanted to say was "sapna". Yes yes, a little nickname for me (and yes it's supposed to be cheezy and filmy) I love it :).......so here's the conversation

him: Good night apna
him: sons
him: span
him: Apna
                                     Me: I love you and understood you the first time..good night
him: its not working, go to sleep siddiqa jaan


Friday, April 1, 2011

ameer mohalla

No one could remember when Master Yaqub had begun to lease the small room in their neighbourhood (mohalla). However, everyone seemed to know that Master Yaqub was an immigrant and that he came from some part of southern Punjab; the dialect he used was spoken around Multan. Master Yaqub lived in the leased room, and the boys from the neighbourhood came to him for help with their math, multiplication tables and to practise their writing on wooden slates.
Master Yaqub owned to quails and one rooster. The quails remained locked up in the cages, but the rooster stayed just outside the door of his room. Master Yaqub had put a copper ring on one of his legs and tied a strong string to it; the other end of the string was tied to a nail he had hammered into his door frame. Master Yaqub was respected and appreciated by everyone in Ameer Mohalla and they never failed to greet him when they passed by his door. They were sure Master worked, but no one knew exactly what he did. Perhaps he was a bookkeeper for some tradesmen in the vegetable market in another neighbourhood, or he laboured for daily wages in some factory or the other; whatever it was he did, they knew he scarcely managed to get by on what he earned.
As it happened, Master Yaqub was a humble and modest person, who didn’t know how to look out for himself in a metropolis like the Greater Lahore; Lahore, the capital city of the largest province shared between India and Pakistan. His plain looks inspired little love or compassion, and his manner of speaking little poise. Since he did not lie, cheat or exaggerate, nor did he try to bully others or boast, no one believed what he said, and his speech was so full of grammatical and linguistic errors that his listeners would desert his company in frustration. So naive, so simple was he that he did not appear to belong to the human species. And because no one likes to associate with such people, he did not have any friends. His presence eventually had become a burden to the neighbourhood and to its societal structure. Ironically, that is precisely why the people of the neighbourhood respected him; bowed and said their “salaam”, before moving on when passing by his door.
One winter evening, Master Yaqub’s landlord castigated him loudly. Using harsh language, he threatened to throw out all his belongings if he didn’t pay the rent he owed him for the past six months within three days. Master Yaqub froze with fear; he didn’t have the obliged one hundred and eighty rupees. He had only forty rupees. He attached to it a ten-rupee note from his wallet to add it up to fifty. Up until now, the landlord had accepted the twenty, thirty, or forty rupees that Master Yaqub handed over each month and had extended the rent deadline. This time, however, he appeared to be adamant about getting his money. Flinging the fifty-rupee wad, tied with thread, in front of the rooster, he shouted: “Bugger off! I will not accept this. Give me the full amount; the one hundred and eighty rupees you owe.” Master Yaqub picked up the wad of notes from the floor and put it in his pocket. Since he was unaccustomed to showing his emotions, he was not able to weep. He went to his bad and sat down on it downheartedly.
At the end of three days, the landlord removed Master Yaqub’s belongings from his room; he placed Master’s bead behind the two transformer poles near the sidewalk and the rest of his possessions around it. He clamped a new lock on the door and, climbing onto his scooter, rode away. The landlord’s house was at some distance from this neighbourhood, but he visited it each month in order to collect the rent due to him from the rooms he had let out.
Master Yaqub managed somehow to pass the night under the transformer. The next day he went to the mansion of Sheikh Karim Nawaz, whose three kids Master Yaqub had tutored, to request a loan of two hundred rupees. Knowing him for the simple and meek fellow he was, Karim Nawaz brushed him off; lending money to the likes of him was not a good idea. Then Master Yaqub went to Ismael the merchant and, reducing his request to one hundred and fifty rupees, asked him for a loan. The merchant, too, turned him down. Master Yaqub approached everyone: the barber, butcher, doctor, lawyer, baker, but was let down by each in turn. They all told him the same story; faced with inflation, they did not have anything spare to lend him.
Master Yaqub spent eight nights in the open, underneath the rickety and fragile shelter of the transformer, before going to the homeopathic doctor to have his pulse taken. The doctor examined him with his stethoscope and announced: “Master, you have pneumonia. I will give you some medicine, but you should consult another doctor as well.”
Saying “Very well”, Master Yaqub left him and went to Jabbar’s bakery to buy hot milk. He drank the milk and, showing his racing pulse to Jabbar, begged the baker to loan him two hundred rupees. Jabbar began to laugh: nobody in his right mind would lend such a fool a rupee and here he was asking for two hundred! The thought was so ludicrous that even Jabbar, who rarely laughed, could not contain himself.
With a quilt wrapped around his head like an igloo, Master Yaqub sat on his bed for three consecutive days. Those who passed by greeted him and remarked: “Getting some sun, Master?” and from inside his quilt, in a muffled voice, Master would reply, “Yes, I am feeling a bit cold.”
On the fourth day, at dawn, around time of prayers, Master Yaqub died. Every inhabitant of Ameer Mohalla was deeply grieved by his death. After breakfast, they gathered outside and, wrapped in silence and sadness, stood in the sun. Master’s quail were given a bowl of birdseed and his rooster was fed flour and sugar balls. Sheikh Karim Nawaz came out of his mansion to sit under the transformer. A big rug was spread on the ground and somebody placed a few newspapers on it. People sat around the rug.
Sheikh Karim Nawaz took out two hundred – rupee notes and, giving them to Saeed and Bilal, sent them off on their scooters to arrange for the grave. He gave three hundred rupees to Jalal to go with Rehmat to arrange for the white burial garment, incense, rose water and flowers. Jabbar the baker prepared a big pot of tea and served it to the gathering of mourners. People started collecting money for the final Quran reading ceremony and before long the residents of Ameer Mohalla had collected eight hundred and eleven rupees to hand over to Sheikh Karim Nawaz.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

overdose on PDA

Walking through the mall near my place, I see this young inter-racial couple. White Caucasian guy, about 25, dressed as though he is fresh off the boat from Jamaica. With him, a Hispanic girl, about the same age, hugely pregnant. While walking fast towards them, I was forced to slow down to have a better look at them. He had a serious look on his face while he was walking sideways with his left hand rubbing her belly in large round strokes. She walking proudly alongside as if just getting off the stage after winning first prize.

Call me old fashioned for saying this but .. WHAT THE HELL? I would like someone out there to enlighten me with the common sense in this which I am purely missing. What is the point of doing that, I mean a stroke, a rub, a carress, makes sense. Walking down a long corridor of a mall, purely shopped at by seniors and high school children, that in itself does not make sense to be walking as such.

This PDA, is so unneccessary!