Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Explanation of Chapter 33 ( The Allies ) and verse 21 ( in specific )

First of from verses  21 – 27, the section is called “ Allies’ fight: Quraizah punished”

The translation of verse 21 is as follows:

“certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day, and remembers Allah much”

Here is a little explanation:

This verse points to a most significant truth and a distinguishing characteristic of Prophet Mohammed, viz, that he is the best exemplar and the highest model of virtue. Referring specifically to: if he hadn’t led armies he couldn’t have served as a model for a general leading armies into battles. If he had not fought personally, he could not have been an exemplar for a soldier laying down his life in the cause of truth, justice and freedom . if he had not made laws for the guidance of his followers, he could never have been regarded as a legislator. If he had not decided cases, he could not have served as a judge. If had not married he could not have shown how to be a kind and affectionate husband and a loving father.

This section right before this section is called “ the allies’ attack on madinah”

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