Sunday, September 23, 2012

Muslim Rage

I am sure all of you have all read about / heard about the latest “Muslim Rage”. The video, the protests, the death of the innocent, the embassies and pretty much everything related has taken over the entire media industry right now.

The grocery store turnstiles boldly expose all the events by screaming the words “Muslim”, “Islam” and “Jihad”. Posts on Facebook and tweets on Twitter make a mockery of the both the religion and its followers. In public, people openly express their disbelief and make a further ridicule by saying aggressive words towards a religion founded on peace.

I watched the movie the other day. I needed to see what the big hysteria was about especially after reading the words “false outrage” in the Newsweek by Ayaan Hirsi Ali in a caption for a picture showing Egyptians rushing into the US Embassy.

I don’t even have the correct words to express how I felt about the movie. Absolutely revolting. I felt chills and goose bumps after seeing the movie. I felt it was almost a sin to be watching such a thing and felt ashamed as well.

But here is what I want to say, what I found more disgusting than the person who made the video are the so called Muslims themselves. First they say stupid things against the Holy Prophet (pbuh) themselves and then when someone gets up and says the same thing they get upset? Ok so they get upset. But then they start killing their own people over another person’s wrong? Killing innocent people and policemen is something the Holy Prophet (pbuh) suggested doing?

Why do they shamelessly talk about the (na-aaoozo-billah) illegitimate marriage between the Prophet and the Mother of all Believers? Uneducated leaders and even more illiterate followers blatantly admit the early age marriage of Ayesha (ra).

To be very honest, I find it more revolting hearing this audacity from the mouths of Muslims than watching it in the movie made by a non-believer. Saying such stuff about the beloved Prophet (pbuh) being a believer is a bigger sin than the “thawab” from fighting against the same spoken rubbish from a non-believer.

As if that is not enough, these so-called-Muslims then go rampaging around killing their own people, policemen who are there to protect them, innocent people who have probably not even seen the video! Do they honestly not understand what a fool they are making of themselves?!

Had a Muslim made a video like this against Jews, would the Jews then have gotten up and started killing each other? When our religion has the word Jihad in it, why can’t we use Jihad wisely? Yes, the person who made such a mocking and insulting video, should be not only punished but also the rest of the world should be told how unacceptable it is to mock our Prophet (pbuh). Will that ever happen? No. Will we ever come together and deal with anything, just anything with a drop of logic? No. Will Muslims ever realize and it’s our duty and responsibility to stand strong for our religion? No, instead we are either going to rampage around making fools of ourselves or even just sit there watching this all happen.

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